November 22, 2021


Indira Gandhi-100 birth anniversary


Remembering a vision, followed by a secret mission and an achievement scientifically and politically. 


Project "Dhakshin Gangothri" was a special mission conceived by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to set up research stations in Antarctica. Apart from scientic development this secret mission had other goals also. After India's successful nuclear test, Indiraji wanted to show the world, India as a growing power in Science and technology.

After the world war, the industrialised nations had a significant interest in Antarctica on three major fronts, political, economic and military. These countries had signed an exclusive treaty with US, Russia, Japan,and other industrialized nations as members. They had also decided not to allow any more members in this club. India tried to join the Antartctic treaty but could not succeed in the UN general assembly.

Indira Gandhi took a defiant stand and had decided that the immense possibility of scientific advantage and potential of mining in Antarctica were something India could not afford to miss out. Showing scant regard for this exclusive treaty by the politically powerful nations, India started its own effort to stamp its authority in the continent of Antarctica.

The project for Antarctic Expedition code named by Indiraji herself as "Dakshin Gangotri" was started with a top secret study. The project was stopped by the opposition government
after her defeat in 1977. She restarted it when she came back to power in 1980. She kept this project under her own direct control. She directed the scientists to make a blueprint for establishing a permanent station in Antarctica. Only three people other than her knew the entire secret plan of Operation Dakshin Gangotri.

India launched its first Antarctic expedition in December 1981 from Goa, with a stop in Mauritius to pick up equipment and supplies (under the guise of a commercial cruise). The team consisted of 21 scientists from 7 research institutions. After 77 days India reached Antarctica to the total surprise of USA and other members of the treaty.

The New Scientist magazine wrote "Indians quietly invade Antarctica", (as India was not a signatory to the Antarctic Treaty of 1959).

New York Times reported "A scientific expedition from India has landed on the coast of East Antarctica. Its stated purpose was to perform oceanographic, seismic, climate and other scientific research. But the full details are not yet known"

All countries including the most powerful CIA were caught by surprise.

After 35 years and 30 expeditions, now India has two permanent Stations in Antarctica doing active research. India has become one of the members of the treaty and a stakeholder in Antarctica. Indira Gandhi's dream was successfully realised.

We can see some parallels with Nuclear test in the case of Antarctica project also. Both were executed secretly skillfully and successfully. Both the cases India was boldly acting against major political and economic powers. India could prove India's capability in Science and Technology and also its will and determination to do it against all global political odds.
This remain as one of the lasting contributions to modern India by India Gandhi.


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